Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A Glimpse at Baby Number Two.

There you have it! The infamous Baby Bichel the Second. Everything looks good according to ultrasounds... the baby was super active, which is a good sign. As you've probably noticed, my uterus looks like it is in the shape of a heart, which is just too convenient. It's pretty cute though, wouldn't you say? The concept of our baby being in a heart.... 

Okay, so on a more serious note, Curtis is just getting over a pretty bad case of Bronchitis, which I think has thrown a wrench into his never-stopping-working-tons-of-overtime routine. This is a very good thing. He's backing off the overtime and working regular hours for awhile. Hurrah!

Nothing else is new, except that Joshua is wanting to do nothing but walk, and he is working effortlessly toward that goal. We're thinking he'll be walking on his own in the next few weeks. I'll update when he takes his first independent steps!

Blessings to you and yours, dear reader.

Renee <3


Unknown said...

well I love ready your blog and i love stealing any photos that I dont have already! Love you all....:)