Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Car Drama.

Hey! So I thought it was about time to update... can you believe it is already May? We're already half-way done with this pregnancy! Woot!

Okay, so things have been going pretty well for us - Curtis' shoulder seems to be healing after his few weeks of physical therapy. Joshua got hit with his first illness (looked like the flu), and recovered better than we could ever have anticipated. I had the pleasure of judging at a nearby NCFCA qualifying tournament, which was a blast from the past and a very rewarding experience.

One thing we have had in the past few months is car problems. When I say "car problems", you probably are thinking that we needed to get a car repair. This is true, but it is also the understatement of the year. For two months straight now, every time we finally get the money to fix one of our cars (both are in need of repair), it runs for less than 24 hours and then brakes down on us AGAIN! It's crazy! So please pray for this situation, it has brought unending amounts of stress into our life. We have been incredibly blessed through it (family help, encouragement, etc.), but it would sure be nice to get at least one of our cars running reliably! 

I'll post some new pics of Joshua soon!